How Install Tailwind CSS in a React Native TypeScript project

soulemanou kunchiefuh babanou
2 min readJun 10, 2024


you can use Tailwind CSS in combination with the twrnc library, which allows you to use Tailwind classes in React Native. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started

1) Initialize Your React Native Project:

If you haven’t already created your React Native project, you can do so using the React Native CLI or Expo.

For React Native CLI:

npx react-native init MyProject --template react-native-template-typescript

For Expo:

npx create-expo-app MyProject --template
cd MyProject
npx expo install expo-font

2) Install twrnc:

Install twrnc, a Tailwind CSS-like library for React Native.

npm install twrnc

Or using Yarn:

yarn add twrnc

3) Configure TypeScript:

Create a types/twrnc.d.ts file to include type definitions for twrnc.

// types/twrnc.d.ts
declare module 'twrnc' {
const tw: (classNames: TemplateStringsArray | string) => import('react-native').ViewStyle;
export default tw;

Make sure to include the types folder in your tsconfig.json.

"compilerOptions": {
"typeRoots": ["./node_modules/@types", "./types"]

4) Use Tailwind Classes in Your Components:

You can now use Tailwind CSS classes in your React Native components.

// App.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import tw from 'twrnc';

const App = () => {
return (
<View style={tw`flex-1 justify-center items-center bg-blue-500`}>
<Text style={tw`text-white text-lg`}>Hello, Tailwind!</Text>

export default App;

5) Customizing Tailwind Configuration (Optional):

You can customize your Tailwind CSS configuration by creating a tailwind.config.js file. However, twrnc uses its own default Tailwind configuration, and customization options may be limited compared to the full Tailwind CSS.

6) Running Your Project:

Run your React Native project to see the changes.

For React Native CLI:

npx react-native run-android
npx react-native run-ios

For Expo:

npx expo start

I believe, this would be enough for getting started with Tailwind CSS in React Native. If you want to explore more, you can visit NativeWind and experiment.



soulemanou kunchiefuh babanou
soulemanou kunchiefuh babanou

Written by soulemanou kunchiefuh babanou

Full-stack Developer || Stacks: JavaScript, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, Node.js, Angular, Ruby, Ruby on rail, Redux, C, C++, R-language, Python, Django, PHP, Laravel

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